Group Directors: Linsey Liao, Phineas Mahlum
Number of Members: ~20
Recruitment: Spring / Fall Cycle
Work at Mark:
Mark is a student-run marketing agency, fostering creativity and strategic thinking. Clients range from student groups to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Members seek to educate themselves, through the guidance from group leaders, on the marketing and adverting industries through client work and professional development workshops.
Skills that You Will Gain:
Data Visualization
Consulting Case Analysis & Strategizing
Advanced Excel Skills
Project Management
Presentation Skills
Interpresonal Communication
Past Clients:
BrewBike provides coffee to the Northwestern community in the most convenient way, every day.
Newport Coffee
Founded in 1992 in Bannockburn, Illinois, the company was recently purchased by married Swedish transplants Lotta and Mikael Bengtsson. They opened the second Newport Coffee House in Evanston, establishing it as the company’s updated airy, bright and effervescently sparse flagship.
VietNom Nom
VietNom Nom is a Vietnamese-inspired fast casual restaurant. The goal is to provide the most authentic Vietnamese food all while providing great service within a unique and modern setting.
Please contact or for inquiries regarding ISBE Mark.